Frozen Corn
One of our favorite things to do as a family in the summer and fall is go to our local orchard to pick our own produce. We pick strawberries, blueberries, peaches, corn and apples almost every year; sometimes we add in other things for fun. The challenge of this activity is that we often end up with tons of food! We have taken home up to 36 ears of corn at a time. Now I realize we could pick less, but we enjoy the time so much that I don’t want to cut it too short.
One of these years when we had picked what felt like far too much corn, I decided to experiment. As you probably know from other posts, I don’t tend to preserve food when it’s a super complicated process. This is just not the season of life for that. So I decided to simply cut all the corn off the cobs we would not have time to eat and put it in a large ziplock bag; no flash freezing, blanching, anything. And guess what? It was perfect! Anytime I needed a cup of corn for a recipe, I simply scrunched up the bag a bit to loosen the kernels, measured out what I needed and added it to the recipe. It was so delicious! My family immediately asked if it was corn that we had picked when they ate it. They could taste the difference! So now, we pick as much corn as we want and stock up the freezer. We always use it, and we miss it when it’s gone!

Frozen Corn
- As many cobs of corn as you want!
- This process is so simple. Simply shuck all the cobs of corn that you want to freeze. Then cut all the kernels off the cobs. I like to stand each ear on its end in a large bowl to catch the kernels as they start coming off, and use a small sharp knife to slowly and carefully cut the whole length of the cob. Then I turn and do another row until the cob is clean.
- When finished cutting off the corn, simply place it all in a large ziplock freezer bag, squeeze out the air and seal.
- When ready to use, squish the bag around on the counter to loosen the kernels and measure out what you need for your recipe.