Month: August 2022

Mediterranean Chicken Orzo

Last summer when I was first starting to think seriously about starting a blog, I decided to do a bit of a test run. I posted a few pictures of food I was making on my personal instagram and then included the recipe, just to see if there was...

Banana Peach Sourdough Muffins

I love baking sourdough bread and keeping my starter around. It makes so many delicious things! I’m also always looking for new ways to use the discard. While I love baking bread, I certainly don’t do it every week, and I love finding other ways to use the discard...

Summer Spaghetti

I love making this recipe every summer! It’s the perfect blend of summer flavors.  When our garden tomatoes start coming in, I always put this on the menu; and it’s always even better if we’ve just been to our local farm to pick fresh sweet corn! The fresh tomatoes from...

Cucumber Salad

I think I could make this recipe in my sleep! It is such a summer staple from my childhood that is super easy and a great way to use up garden cucumbers when they suddenly start flooding the kitchen. It’s a light and refreshing side dish that goes with...

Chili Lime Chicken

Somehow summer has really gotten away from me! I took an unintentional vacation from blogging for the last month or two! We have been busy having lots of fun as a family and doing lots of cooking as well. We’ve had lots of great food, and I can’t wait...